Our team of Psychiatrists, Medical, Nursing and Allied Health professionals provide expert care to manage and treat mental health disorders.
See what everyone is talking about
Our facility is designed to deliver care in the least restrictive manner. This allows patients to feel relaxed and comfortable, with patient safety our first priority.
Patient Stories
We always welcome feedback about the care we provide our patients.
“I am just honestly so grateful to have been here and truly believe I am going to get better. I feel a new beginning for the first time"
- Sue
Inpatient with Depression
I feel destiny is back in my own hands and I have the ability and veracity to succeed. I also think my support network has benefitted in understanding my problems and are better prepared to help me.
Inpatient with Addiction Disorder
Latest news
Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2023
We at Abbotsford Private Hospital support NAIDOC Week and our traditional owners; Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar in creating lasting change to Heal Country.
The rise of telehealth mental health services in a post pandemic world
COVID-19 has changed the delivery of mental health services. Aurora Healthcare introduces a new online psychology and psychiatry solution, Aurora Cloud Clinic.
A major hospital redevelopment is underway- follow our journey!
We are expanding! To meet growing service demands for private mental health care, Abbotsford Private Hospital is currently in the process of adding a further 47 beds to the hospital.
Mindfulness in May
Discover how mindfulness can help you and your mental health journey today.
All it takes is 10 minutes a day.