Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2023
We at Abbotsford Private Hospital support NAIDOC Week and our traditional owners; Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar in creating lasting change to Heal Country.
The 2023 National NAIDOC Week theme is For Our Elders. To find out more about the current theme, please visit: https://www.naidoc.org.au/
Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
Please let our staff know on admission if you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. We will work with you to ensure you receive the care and services that are culturally appropriate for you to contribute to your comfort as a patient at Abbotsford Private Hospital.
Please note that all information collected by our health service is subject to privacy laws to guarantee your information is protected and used appropriately.
We encourage you to also connect with our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Support services:
- Wungen Kartup Specialist Aboriginal Mental Health Service
- Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service
- Yorgam Healing Services
To directly discuss your stay with us at Abbotsford Private Hospital, please contact Jane Dowling , Director of Nursing on 08 9381 1833.